Acid Skin
Skin Caracteristics:
Name: Acid Rain Skin
Date of creation: June 11th 2002
Skinning Tools: Skinner, SkinMaster
Graphic Tools: Style Skin, Paint, Paint Shop Pro 7.0
Cursor Tool: Icon Forge
Hours of Work: about 80 hours
How to Install
To install this Skin, extract this ZIP file in the directory
C:Program FilesWinAmpSkinsAcidSkin
To run this skin open WinAmp, right-click, skins and scroll down to Acid_Skin.
Enjoy !!!
SONY PMC-301re v3.1 for 2.9
added cursors,mikro amp.
july 7 /2003
SONY PMC-301re v3.0 for 2.9
changed everywhere :-)
june 26 / 2003
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All parts of this winamp skin are done.
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Winamp Medi ...
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email -> info-is@in-file
Updated August 19, 1999
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"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
A.I. amp
David is 11 years old.
He weighs 60 pounds.
He is 4 feet, 6 inches tall.
He has brown hair.
His love is real .
But he is not.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
a Steven Spielburg film
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her world and those she knows. This series is so beautifully
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reco ...