This is my lastest skin called:
Well as always hope u like it
by the way Dr. Algebra's program is good to start but i have nuthin from it left haha,
The Elusive Melon 2001..........the melon has spoken
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp ...
_,.-*'^'*-.,_,.-*'| W E A T H E R E D |'*-.,_,.-*'^'*-.,_
version 1.0
*Main Info*
Title : Weathered
Author : Stijn Oomen
NickName : The Only Lynx
Email Address : info-is@in-file
: info-is@in-fi ...
*********************************************************** - Winamp 2 & 5 Classic Skin
by nOvAmAz from StatusRoot*Team
If you use any part of the ...
MASSamp 4.0 for Winamp 2.x
It' s my second skin and it contains the main window, the playlist, the equalizer, the minibrowser and AVS.
I used a little of Photoshop and Illustrator to make my skin but mostly Paint.
Please do not copy o ...
При подготовке скина использованы материалы сайта
В папке "add" хранится:
1) Второй вариант главного окна ...add/main
2) Второй вариант курсоров (автор - Бен Митчелл (info-is@in-file) . ...