T e r r o r i s m
a c t i v a t e D
Author: Debabrata Trivedi
url: http://puplone.topcities.com
mail: info-is@in-file
Wanna have a tutorial of making winamp skin? Visit here:
url: http://puplone.topcities.com/Skins/Tutorial/tutor.htm
Such a shame.
Terrors strike America.
There is the reason of another World War and we don't want it.
We don't wanna see the world burning.
I've added a flame to my skin to make understand how dangerous a war can be. The world will be under fire like this way and we music lovers will not allow to break it out.
So, come out Michael with your "Heal The World"
Come out Jesus to save the world.
Come all together, for search of peace.
Best view:
1. Vertical Window Settings.
2. Visualization with Thick Band/Normal Style/Line Scope : Spectrum Analyzer.
It's better to make a one star skin of own inspite of ripping ten five stars.
Please feel free to contact me for any problems regarding winamp skin. Also like to have the feedback of "Terrorism Activated".
Distribute it freely, but don't modify, if it requires, then first contact me with the modification, please.
Thanx to winamp.com for publishing my skin.
Other skins by me:
1. Hitman id: 53154
2. Venom id: 45352
3. Codename Eagle id: 49858
4. Codename Eagle 2 id: 62760
5. Indian Queen id: 69264
6. Indian Queen Blues unreleased
7. Big O id: 48746
8. Big O Anti Version id: 55348
9. Big O Fired id: 50792
10. Big O Exclusive id: 53605
11. Groove Machine id: 65176
12. Lose Amp id: 63885
13. Rozena id: 55347
14. Rozena 2 unreleased
15. Flood id: 43263
16. Matty id: 44636
17. Glacier unreleased
18. Photosynthetic unreleased
19. Blinds unreleased
Rose Tattoo
visit my website: Comkillserve
Rose Tatoo v2.9
v2.9 updated the skin for winamp 2.9
added video and media library windows.
This skin was made by Mr Tough ...
IriaAmp v2.1
Cool hair, cool armor, and a kick-butt gun. What more can you ask for
in a bounty hunter? The stunning Iria from the anime IRIA: Zeiram
The Animation graces the face of this skin.
Now Winamp 2.0+ compatible! Customized Playlist and Eq ...
made by the talented young Mr. Happy
I am 14 and live in Seattle, Washington
I enjoy basketball, Football, hanging out with my friends, and of course spending a little
time on the comp.
table of contents
1. Installment
2. Original messa ...
ReadMe!.txt for XoNaX skin for WinAmp
Back to the WinAmp skinning lately.
Been busy with this for a while ('bout a week everyday about 5 hours).
Created in/with:
Adobe Photoshop
32 bpp