================ Diablo Amp =================
Copyright 1998 by Vader
This Skin was made by combining many parts
of some of the best skins out there (plus some of my own creations),
so I would like to thank anyone that I used stuff from their skin.
Including Atom amp and Shlee amp...
To use it simply unzip all of the files into
your '/skins/Diablo/' directory then click
alt+s in winamp and click on Diablo.
Send comments to:
hi, my name is Ronald
thanks for downloading my skin
I made this skin because I have nothing to do in my home
this skin is based on the NBA team's logo : Orlando Magic
info-is@in-file ...
Handbook digi 4 by Philipptr
e-mail: info-is@in-file
First thing:
...hear vanessa amorosi with this player...
...be angry with the handbook cause im a
german, 12 year young boy...
...be angry when you've heard enri ...
Hi, i'm back and this is my new skin---> motion
I think that is very nice and you'll love it.
It took me 2 weeks to build the skin and finally i made something good.
There are thousands of skins but I hope that my skin will be in the TOP 1 ...
================================Agent J-87================================
6:02 PM 5/12/2006
Here's a skin I've been working on in between things,its a follow up version to my Army-Amped skin,hope you like it.This skin was made using Micrografx Picture ...
"That's a roger, HQ. Tunes are slotted, shells are hot and the radar's on fire. BZ Alpha proceeding with engage and destroy." Oh yeah, from the days when 3D vectors were screaming new, th ...
Version 2.0
O-----O O -----O -------O O--------------O -------O
O ---O O O ---O O O---O O O -------------O O ---O O
O ---O O O ---O O O---O O O ---O O O O O-O O ---O O
O ---O O O ---O O O---O O O ---O O O -O O O O---O O
O ------------O O O--- ...
*** K.S.K.amp v3.1.1 *** (Black Pearl)
This skin is dedicated to our noble fans of our noble team,Karşıyaka.
It is NEITHER prohibited NOR illegal to use bitmaps or cursors of this skin in any case.Use it as if it were yours.
-Skin ...