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AIWA NSX-S v1.0, November 1999.
Thanks for downloading the Aiwa NSX skin for WinAmp.
Big up MP3!!!!! It rules, and you know it!
If you've got the latest WinAmp, you don't need to unzip this file.
Just stick the zipped file in your Skins directory, and select the
skin from the preferences menu, or using Alt+S.
Get the latest (FREEWARE!) version of WinAmp at www.winamp.com. Now!
This is my first WinAmp skin, and meant to be used with WinAmp 2.0+.
It's based on the Aiwa NSX-S series of Hi-Fi stereos. I did it that
way coz I thought It'd be cool if the MP3 player I use looked the
same as the stereo that's pumping out my choons.
And OK, it's not identical, but the bits that are missing from the
stereo is improvised from the original design.
It comes with:
1. Main skin
2. Equalizer skin
3. Playlist skin
4. Minibrowser skin (Latest WinAmps have this)
It's got some transparency stuff in it too, but it's very subtle.
All this is my OWN work, created in PSP. So don't just go thieving it.
Thanks again, and hope you like the skin.
Any comments are very welcome.
Author: Paul Neave
Email: info-is@in-file
Web: www.neave.com
I think I got to day 550+/30 on v4 before upgrading!) But PSP5 only
allows 60/30 days use. Then it wants you to order. P'ah! Email me,
and I'll let you know the secret... hehe! That'll teach 'em.
ZeldaAmp is back! Zelda has been put under a spell of endless sleep, and it's up to Link to save her! Gannon is dead, but his minions are waiting to revive him by spreading Link's ashes on his grave, so whatever happens... LINK MUST NOT DIE.
------------ ...
Well it is. Kind of.
All it has to say is that I hope you like this skin, there may or may not be any more versions but most likely there won't. If you have any sugestions feel free to keep them to yourself, I have enough to do. I'm sure you are bright ...
Name: Carbonate 2
Author: Jocpoc (faldesign)
Timeline: 1.5 weeks
Info: Well, it's here. A remake of my third skin I'll "Carbonate". I couldn't be m ...
September 5, 1999
Finally, a Mahoutsukai Tai skin of one of teh girls! I reallylike Sae, she
is so cute ^^ Too bad I don't have Jeff-kun anywhere in this skin!
I really need to see teh MTT TV series, the opening animation is
so~~~~ cute!
i ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
April 2001
rp13 yellow
Mein dreizehnter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMai ...
================ lavalAMP ===============
This skin was created in August 2002 by
Thomas Hooper (info-is@in-file)
If you're planning on taking credit for
this skin or publishing it without
mentioning me, DONT! because it took
flippin ages, usin ...