Philips LoFi - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 1
Version notes:
New everything, first one out!
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on nothing(!), but the original idea was a pda or mobile phone with a backlit lcd-display.
Display notes:
The only display to be used is a a hi-color (16-bit) or even better, a smooth true-color (24- or 32-bit) display. As it is originaly made in 24-bit.
Thanks goes out to:
Philips, for their excellent equipment.
/Henrik Mjöberg, info-is@in-file
Stu On This Classic Winamp Skin
by Stu Kendrick
2004 - for Winamp 2.0 and up (I think)
Go visit - my webcomic (rated WEB MA)
Winamp rawks!
Font=Arial ...
This folder contain cursors for your InsomniAmp 1.1.
To use these cursors with your InsomniAmp skin, simply put them
in the same folder as he rest of the InsomniAmp files.
(Which is probably namned InsomniAmp 1.1).
In this folder you can also find a ...
Title: Pretty Peach
Game: Lots of Mario games(too lazy to list them)
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
UPDATED for Winamp 5
Fixed Media Library.
UPDATED for Winamp 2.9
Skinned the extra parts. I couldn't get the library to look right though. ...
Tangerine Scream
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
My first, and probably last texture based skin!.
This skin was done, maily because I like orange, there is a distinct
lack or orange skins i ...