Philips LoFi - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 1
Version notes:
New everything, first one out!
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on nothing(!), but the original idea was a pda or mobile phone with a backlit lcd-display.
Display notes:
The only display to be used is a a hi-color (16-bit) or even better, a smooth true-color (24- or 32-bit) display. As it is originaly made in 24-bit.
Thanks goes out to:
Philips, for their excellent equipment.
/Henrik Mjöberg, info-is@in-file
March The 10th Of 2004
(¯`·.¸_/~MeTaL Up YoUr AsS~ _¸.·´¯)
For Winamp 2.x
By :: (¯`·.¸_¸.·¤< £L * /r6£][¨|¨Ø >¤·.¸_¸.·´¯)
«< Main Window >»
«< Main Windowshade >»
« ...
Science class
By: Mattias Karlsson
E-mail: info-is@in-file
A skin based on a school lesson. the main window is a black board and the equalation window
"your" table.
I think this one is VERY cool and I´ll hope you like it to..
Special: when ...
Mavro II. Dark, yet not gloomy. Sliders that actually tell you something, some subtle transparent areas, plenty of dots and ready for Easter. I updated and polished the graphics for a better (more glas-like) feel and fixed a few small errors.
Mavro, Gr ...