Author : Debabrata Trivedi (puplone)
Mail : info-is@in-file
Submitted on : 1st September, 2001
Software used : Ulead PhotoImpact 6
Thanx goes to all the winamp skin hunters who downloaded Glacier and supported my effort.
Special thanx goes to all my friends, Specially to Sujit for sharing views & to Arnab and Tublu for great support.
It is dedicated to Uttiya, who defined what friendship can be. I really miss you Uttiya. You are too far but always to me, I know.
About Rip: I would like to warn that if anyone rip this skin, I'll get anger, then cry out louder and then, if the ripper is also a skinner, I'll rip the ripper's own skin. :-). Kidding, but you rippers must respect the labour and leave that bad habit.
Please feel free to contact me for any problems regarding winamp skin. Also like to have the feedback of Glacier.
Thanx to for publishing my skin.
Other skins by me:
1. Hitman id: 53154
2. Venom id: 45352
3. Codename Eagle id: 49858
4. Codename Eagle 2 id: 62760
5. Indian Queen id: 69264
6. Indian Queen Blues unreleased
7. Big O id: 48746
8. Big O Anti Version id: 55348
9. Big O Fired id: 50792
10. Big O Exclusive id: 53605
11. Groove Machine id: 65176
12. Lose Amp id: 63885
13. Rozena id: 55347
14. Rozena 2 unreleased
15. Flood id: 43263
16. Matty id: 44636
March The 6th Of 2004
Nirvana 1.0 In Memory Of K.C
For Winamp 2.x
By :: (¯`·.¸_¸.·¤< £L * /r6£][¨|¨Ø >¤·.¸_¸.·´¯)
«< Main Window >»
«< Main Windowshade >»
«< Equalizer Window >»
Eclipse v4.0- Winamp skin
----------==The Concept==-
Eclipse began with the idea of a brightly coloured display on a dark body colour. In the original version the display was orange, but the current blue improved the balance of the skin in v2.0. In ...
########################### LET DER BE SPACE ###########################
Well i listen to muzic in dakness so i thought of making this
very dark skin for those of you who like to listen to muzic with absolute silence and darkness ..... wel i guess m ...
This skin is taken from StarFox® 64 featuring the key charachter, Fox McCloud.
I tried to show most of the picture as well as all of the controls and this was the result.
Colours were chosen to match the starry background s ...
Smooth LCD
This is only my second Winamp skin so far. Although it is completely usable at the moment, I will continue to improve upon it by doing the following:
- Skinning the AVS and Minibrowser
- Including a custom AVS preset (possibly ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q U I D D I T Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks for downloading this winamp skin. I hope you enjoy it.
All windows and cursors are s ...