Elevate 1.0 by Craig Dickson
Based on ELAN*TV 2.0 by Oleg M. Petrovsky
ELAN*TV 2.0 was a great skin, but it didn't do
the AVS, and there were a few things about it
that I wanted to change just as matters of
personal taste. Elevate 1.0 is the res ...
- Fusion-Striker -
By: The Hagman
web: http://zap.to/the-hagman
mail: info-is@in-file
icq: 30325728
The first time I saw Fusion amp deck I was so
impressed. So I tried to make a look-a-like,
margleAMP by Demoniac
0) The author:
Email: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://home.swipnet.se/~w-87739
1) Required:
A computer
2) Recommended:
Good music
Lots of money
A fast car
3) Installat ...