runes greenish-grey ver1.0.0
hy! I'm epsilon, some kid from Romania with nothing to
do this summer that's why I decided to make this skin.
I used mostly Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 (tm) and MS Pain(t)
This is only my second skin to be released to the public
and I hope othrs will follow. I will probablly add some
cusors and release it in other colours. Also included an
AVS preset in the archive.
You will probably wonder why it's called runes - because
the buttons look like some sort of runes ... kinda :).
This skin took about 2 months of work so please don't rip
it. And stop usin' programs that make skins fropm pictures.
Comments, sugestion info-is@in-file
--={Dark Angel Amp unMAXIMed}=--
v 1.0
Author : Matt Nelson, info-is@in-file
Website :
ICQ # : 110731686
Date : 05/24/01
--={ Comments }=--
This is really my original Dark Angel Amp wit ...
Skin Name: Serina's Locket
Release Version: v1.2
Description: This is a Winamp skin dedicated to that pretty soldier,
Sailor Moon. It comes with fully skinned EQ, Playlist,
Playlist buttons, Minibrow ...
FreqAMP 1.1.0 Release g3
FreqAMP by Taras Brizitsky (AKA SacRat): info-is@in-file
Suggestions and bugreports are welcome.
This is my 4th Winam ...