~ Read Me...{most likely seeing this if you are a skinner or starting out to be one} ~
If you are reading this then you are probably a skin maker or simply to freakin nosy.
This skin is dedicated to everyone out there that have art in their freakin blood and bytes on the freakin brain.
~[B]HDSonline getting freakin stronger everyday[/B].
Use freely, however dont steal anything {insert: KILL} unless you want to be smitten with herpes. Like that kid, the one with herpes...
%Flash ~HDSonline [coming to a DNS near you]
~!info-is@in-file :first one to send me an email will get nothing...absolutely nothing! Freakin sweet.~
Hybrid ~the orginal, the real, the !dark one!
~That is all. This is not a freakin NFO!
The name of this skin is Jack and Thor. It is a Stargate SG1 skin. The version number of this skin is 1.0.
The category that best describes this skin is television/science fiction.
The skin shows Colonel Jack O'Neill head of SG1 and earths new ally Th ...
Sabre Wulf - The Winamp Years
(c) 2003 Jones
Final build 28.08.03
"Down and down I plunged, through Rocky Glades, Steep Ravines and Shady Hollows...No grip, no footholds, slipping, tumbling, spinning, darker and darker, deeper and de ...
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpose without permission.
Do not republish without permission.
1982 NAMCO LTD. all rights reserved.
Author Mrym
in ...
No Limits Winamp Skin created by Ryvon
This skin is an experiment using the Region.txt in the skin folder to creat transparencies. Anyone may feel free to alter or change this skin, but please do not try to take credit for the original design.
info- ...
this skin is based around RabCza and NAD 0.93. By Rab and Tobias. you can reach them
at info-is@in-file and info-is@in-file
For Notes on the region-ing and transparancies See Region.txt Also says how to make the
close, WS and min. buttons not fl ...
StreamingSoundtracks.com official Winamp 2 skin
visit http://www.streamingsoundtracks.com
created by Judy Schmidt AKA Geckzilla
Random fact: The AVS will look weird if you do
not have the latest version ...