Silicate - Jack Casey, March 2001
Silicate is my second skin.
My first was Slippy Steel which I did about 2 years ago.
This one took me ages, there is still room to add some nice effects and eye candy but i don't want to clutter it up. And I'm sort of fed up and just want it finished :)
It's almost pure photoshop 5 as far as I can remember.
Jack Casey
HISTORY OF SKIN: (well it's just a joke, so far this history is 14 days old)
ver. 1 (unreleased)
the idea came from a commercial seen on tv and...
a little bit too "flat", i couldn't post the skin because the ******.com server was
doin' something a ...
My first WinAmp Skin I actually finished (I started 2 times before, but never finished...)
I'm proud to say that this is a complete 2.9 skin - AVS, Library, Video Output and Minibrowser are all skinned when running WinAmp 2 ...
----------------Metro Amp--------------
Created by SirPreis designs 4.2.98
Free graphics made to order
(as long as their not too insane, I have classes, you know.)
I ...
Scared yet?
Horror skin. Contains pictures from the movies Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street
and Jeepers Creepers. Also some other scary pictures that I found. It's not the
best skin around, but I had fun making it. It has some funny elem ...
by Nelson Acosta
Version 1 Finished 11/28/00 11:28pm
Thanks For downloading this skin and i hope you like. ...