*** Monkey Radio (A.K.A; Grooving-Sexy-Amp)
*** Created By Raj.I/O in cooperation with Brennan Underwood and monkeyradio.net in 2000
What is Monkey Radio? Well, some call it "Trip-Hop." And some call it "Acid Jazz." Some call it "Downtempo" or "Abstrakt Beats." Now take the intersection of all these. Stir in groove. Dust with sexiness. Simmer. Voila.
Serve chilled.
Check it out at http://www.monkeyradio.net
I thought I'd try something a little different for this skin, again. Trying to get back to basics with solid colours. no more of those kitche gradient fills and layer effect bonanzas. Relax. Just go with it. Most of you probably won't appreciate this skin until you've used it for a bit (since most of you are used to a different kind of 3D-ish, metalic "realistic" kidnof thing.....typical) I don't know if I'll be doing more winamp skins too soon. Maybe I'll just wait for Brennan to finish Winamp 3.
cheers people. Play safe.
*** Raj.I/O can be reached at info-is@in-file
PS: I pitty the fool!
IWD (I wanna die) - version 1.2 a
arpanoid (c)
design : KERGUEN Sébastien
april 26th, 2001
Skin for winamp 2.5 and above.
One day, I was chatting on IRC and I
found ou ...
Wheeeee! Zelgadis looks soooo cute here! He is one of my favorite
characters from Slayers! Poor golem boy ^^
March 6, 1999
http://yaoi.anime-manga.net/winamp ...
BLUE Winamp Skin v1.00
Created by Gary Ching
This is my fifth winamp skin.
This skin is the best skin I made, it's very hard to make a well looking skin.
Hope you like it!!! :-)
For best effect put screen resolu ...
a simple little skin by potatoe
questions, comments, criticisms?
feel free to change it to your preference (if you know how),
just, if you re-release it, at leas ...
*** Devil Ant [Act2 Encore]
*** Created By Raj.I/O
okay so here's the act2 encore; Devil Ant. Made for the contest. Gotta win. Eyes on the prize.
*** Raj.I/O can be reached at info-is@in-file ...
Skinner's Atlas 1.5
by Jellby (et al.)
(First release: June 2002)
May 2003
NOTE: This file seems to be too big to read it in the winamp skin browser (ALT+S), if you want to read it I suggest to extract the fil ...
Original Skin Data for Winamp
Last Birth
Created by masa
Date May.08.2001
Thanx for downloading this file.
This ZIP file is including:
Owlin skin for Winamp
Version: 1.00
Author: Andrea Gentili
E-mail: info-is@in-file
URL: http://www.andreagentili.it
Skin completed on August 29th, 2000 at 13.17 ...