Copyright Ernst Olav Utvik 2000
Skin name: FrameAmp
Version: 2.0
Author: Ernst Olav Utvik
Mail: info-is@in-file
Used: Adobe Photoshop 5.0
Other skins made by author:
ErnstAMP2000 v. 1.0 feb. 2000
DiGitALiZeD v. 1.0 feb. 2000 (4 star skin)
Skinned v. 1.0 feb. 2000
Jaguar v. 1.0 feb. 2000
FitAmp v. 1.0 feb. 2000
FrameAmp v. 1.0 feb. 2000 (4 star skin)
RX30 v. 1.0 feb. 2000 (4 star skin)
American Pie v. 1.0 mar. 2000
X-TREME v. 1.0 mar. 2000
RX30 v. 1.5 mar. 2000 (4 star skin)
Juice v. 1.0 apr. 2000 (Drink this Amp)
Digitalized2 v. 2.0 apr. 2000 (5 star skin)
Base Remix v. 1.0 apr. 2000
Nice Amp v. 1.0 mai. 2000
Nice Amp v. 1.5 mai. 2000 (W/cursors)
Science v. 1.0 june 2000
Science v. 1.5 june 2000
FrameAmp v. 2.0 july 2000
FrameAmp v. 2.0
FrameAmp V2 has the coolest transparencys you have ever seen...
This is the cleanest skin I have ever made, and I hope you
(who ever you are) like it..
I think I managed to get the posbar and eq-sliders fit the
rest of the skin better than in the first version...
All the windows is skinned including the AVS plugin.
Please tell me what you like or dont like about this skin
at info-is@in-file (it would really help me)
Have fun!!!
FrameAmp v. 1.0
This skin is the result of hours of working
Notice the volume and balance ligths.
My type of skin...
***ATB - Winamp skin***
designed and created by:
Sebastian Bjorkman
Skin name: ATB
Release version: 1.00
Short description: Its cooool, and its base ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
"Ciao-Skin" für WinAMP (2.x) Version 2
! ! ! ! ! ! Bitte nicht löschen! ! ! ! ! !
- erstellt mit : + Corel Photo Paint
und + Corel Capture
Zuerst war Ciao für mich nur eine
Möglic ...
Red Monika Amp deja vu created by evildAve 10-99
#3 in the red monika/battle chasers series
character created by joe maduerira and is borrowed in homage, and is not intended as a rip off tactic.
to use this skin: place the .zip file into your winamp/ ...
By LuigiHann
This skin was inspired by the anime Trigun. All of the graphics were done from scratch in Photoshop. I was trying ta make a skin that recognisably resembles and alludes to the anime, ...
-------Sailor Mercury AMP-------
---------Digital Seraph---------
This is my first skin so needless to say I need to do some work on it.
I created this skin in 8 hours using SkinMaster to cut the background
i ...