Several of the fonts used in this skin come from See more LuigiHann skins at
From the Journals of Atrus:
91.8.12 In my search through the many abandoned private book rooms in the upper quarter of the cavern, I stumbled across a most unusual set of Books. At first I thought them to be Linking Books, as they were in that style, clearly distinguishable from normal books or journals, but none of them had a linking panel... And while the Writing was of a much older dialect than I'm used to, from what I was able to read, the books do not seem to describe a place at all, but rather, there seems to be endless discription of various types of sounds. Most curious. None of the chambers adjacent to the book room have any journals or commentary that would give meaning to these Books, but from what I can tell, they were written by someone named W'namp, and had not been used or read for many years, even before the Fall. I shall ask Oma and Esel tomorrow if they know anything of W'namp.
91.8.14 It would seem that Master W'namp was the first Guild Master of the minor Guild of Musicians, as he had been the head Musician of the Guild of Fine Artists before it was broken up by King Naygen into the more specialized guilds. Oma and Esel have begun translating the Book, and they suggested that I search again through the chambers of W'namp for certain crystals, which will apparently react to the book in some way.
91.8.18 Simply fascinating. The colored "Vihz" crystals react visually to different frequencies of sound...
And the clear, luminescent "Hi'rehs" crystals seem to read unseen information from the pages of the Books...
But most amazing is that by altering the text within the Books, one can control the music. Master W'namp must have been a great Writer indeed! What's strange is that the music doesn't seem to be coming from inside the book, but rather from the air itself. I can't help but wonder what other mysteries these Books hold... I hope to have time in the future to see what my equiptment on Rime can decipher. I also think I can put together some mechanical devices to make the Books easier to use without knowlege of the Art.
Several of the fonts used in this skin come from See more LuigiHann skins at Graphics made from scratch in photoshop. Inspired by the Myst series of games and novels, with which I have no affiliation.
This an updated version of My Transformers Amp I have lightend it because of all the complaints I got, so i am hoping that this one is better? Most often when i recieve a complaint it is often from a person using a crt screen because they are much more du ...
...::: AquaSteel 3.0 :::...
AquaSteel v2.0 was well recieved and was
supposed to be my last skin, but I decided to
update it for winamp +2.90...anyway got to go
build my website, look below for address..
...::: Skin Contents :::...
n0v4m4z's Winamp 2 & 5 Classic Skin
chapter 2
This is my second skin and I haven't spent all my knowledge ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...