Choosing Dawn
(Fellowship of the Ring) Legolas
by Elwen Skye
- font is Stonehenge
- balance is hidden, as usual
- EQ/PL toggles are hidden until selected
So, while trying to avoid arrogance, I will summarily say that all the Legolas skins out there that I have seen plain suck. This is my second attempt to fill the lack of decent Legolas skins -- the first one fell as flat as anyone else's. Not so sure about it this time.
The title is kind of an allusion to the argument Gimli had with Eomer about, figuratively, the beauty of the dawn versus the twilight, clearly symbolic for the waning of the Elves. [If you don't know what I'm talking about, you ought to read the books, is all I'll say.]
Purists will argue that this had absolutely nothing to do with Legolas, and I agree, but it just seemed to fit his seemingly hopeful expression, sitting at the Council of Elrond. I would say that his willingness to join the Fellowship indicates that he still had faith in Middle Earth. Unlike the overly-bitter movie version of another certain Elf at the Council. *ahem*
So it's a shot at false depth via a misplaced allusion. But who cares? Besides, admit it, you would have downloaded this skin no matter WHAT it was called. XP
I ended up putting a lot more image-editing work into this skin than I originally expected to. Most of it is relatively subtle, aside from cutting out the image. It's a rarer shot, which is one of the reasons I chose it. Crappy as they may be, there are simply way too many skins already of the "typical" images, though I may eventually revisit those as well.
I'm actually most proud of the playlist; it's very different from what I usually do -- though that would describe the entire skin -- and I think it came out the best. Well, overall, it was a very educational experience.
Please be considerate of people's digital works and ask for my permission before reposting this skin anywhere. Thank you.
-=André All Stars skin=-
Done in Paint and Photoshop. An homenage to us that have this beautiful name, and the other derivated names (Andrew, Andreas, Andrea, Andreia, Anders, Anderson...).
Fix bug edition finished at sat april 23rd 2005.
Conta ...
Dil-Amp v1.1
Dilbert and Friends
More of my skins can be found on my web page at:
Hope you enjoy using this as I did creating it!
Daniel Au
6/27/99: added Browser customization ...
-=[BluePrint version 1.5]=-
I'm 17 and I'm from France, this is my first skin, hope you'll like it ! For any comment, please send an e-mail to info-is@in-file ; You can contact me by ICQ (#35874478). You can also visit my homepage :p (http://www.teknik.f ...
Ozgur "MeshrOObuT" Erturk
Ankara - TURKEY
Greetings to everyone from Turkey.
At last I managed to finish my very first Winamp skin. Here is a grayscale skin with ...
Jeri Ryan - Heartbreaker
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
March 2003 upgraded to WA2.9 specification.
Yeah yeah yeah I know, yet another Jeri skin :)
Can't resist doing them 'ya know :)
Any ...
=========== FruityLoop 3 =============
Autor: Anel Sánchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Terminado: 1 de diciembre de 2003
FruityLoop: es un programa para crear ...