Dr:rex mp3 player - by E.C. Brummel
version 1.0 - 05-02-2003
Thanks for downloading and trying my fourth Winamp skin.
The full skin was created with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
This skin is based on the Dr:rex Loop Player component of the
Reason 2.0 software synth from:
* http://www.propellerheads.se
Version 1.0 (05-02-2003):
* Skinned the whole bunch including mikroAmp.
If you really like this skin, then drop me an e-mail at:
* red -at- redtricycle -dot- net
Or visit:
* http://www.redtricycle.net
======Metal Jam =====
Skin made to present my band for everybody around there ;)
Metal Jam!
Progressive Heavy Rock , from Brasil.
Visit , meet, download some musics from us at:
email m ...
Skin for Winamp
Copyrights (c) 2000 Kauko Mikkonen alias KaMi
Thank you for downloading this skin.
I started making this skin 6-11-2000, version 1.0 ready 11-6-2000...
Because this skin is transparent moving it may be difficult; cli ...
---Amplifier--- to moja pierwsza udana skórka.
Trzy miesiące pracy dały chyba niezły efekt, co nie?
Wersja druga, z medialib'em i vid'em
Check out my website: www.smrw.lodz.pl/~bozar/ ...
by MsbS
At first I wanted this skin as simple as possible,
yet stylish - kinda minimalistic. Then, while making
it, I changed my mind - decided to add some detailing,
trying not no overweight it though (I've left lots of
free spa ...