Ce skin à été crée par KaViDee
This skin was created by KaViDee.
si vous aimez ce skin, faites un click sur ma bannière pour votre soutien, merci.
if you like this skin, click my banner for your support, thanks.
Ce skin est la propriété de son auteur, toute modification est interdite sauf par son accord.
This skin is the property of its author, any modification is prohibited except by his agreement.
Flying Buttons
Created by Jaroslav Voves
v 1.0 - release Juni 2002
I hope it's true 3D
(on black desktop)?
Send your comments to
Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic, Europe
+++++ Banana Split v1.0 +++++
+++++ for WinAmp v2.x +++++
Released: 27 March 2002
Designed and Created by:
Gav Castle
Only my second completed WinAmp v2.x skin.
Banana Split is not a full 3D skin but uses bevels and little shadowing to creat ...
Fish Bowl Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
Man was this ever a mistake LOL, this amp was one of those bright ideas,
that I should have left alone, anyhow once I started , just could'nt seem
pb version 1.2.1
par Rémy Magalhaes
achevé le 03 février 2001
Voilà mon deuxième skin tant attendu,
librement inspiré par la revue du même
Merci à Colin, Xavier, Eilen
et aux autres que j'oublie sûrement.
Pour les rentes voila mon adres ...
Thank you for downloading my skin.
It's based on the plasma light.
Any comment about this skin is welcome.
(Author): Edgar López.
(country): Guatemala, Ciudad.
(e-mail): info-is@in-file
(Skin): Plasma_X ...
April 2001
rp13 yellow
Mein dreizehnter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMai ...