FEUER&EIS 2.9 Edition
2003 by chrismale - time2wonder.com
Deleted the animated cursors for reasons of compatibility.
Well, finally updated and extended the skin, so it fits for the needs of winamp 2.9 and,
maybe, ...
My 3rd skin with transparency.
Any sugestions, questions, or something like that: mail me at info-is@in-file
Marcin Skotnicki
http://republika.pl/moocker ...
Wow, talk about a BUSY skin! Yow this one is super cluttered! But it's Sakura! She looks cute no matter what setting she is in! CLAMP does seem to go overboard with these backgrounds though... anyway, the buttons are there, ya just gotta search ...
*** ARGENTINAMP v.2 ***
23 de Julio de 1999
Esta es una nueva version de mi skin anterior. Esta 100% actualizada para la
version 2.24 del winamp.
Para instalarlo solo hay que hacer doble click sobre el archivo! (solo 2.24+)
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| pan-tech 1.0.1 / a WinAMP skin
| (c) 2005 Martti 'maraz' Roitto
|----- - - -
| This (classic) skin is intended for Winamp5.x,
| but it should work just fine with 2.0 and later.
| This is my firs ...
Boy Meets World
By flatmatt
Version 1.11
April 15, 2004
I created this skin for one of my favorite TV shows of all time, Boy Meets World. It only took ten days to make, which is incredible for me.
The skin features:
B ...