Love Hina copyright Bandai / Ken Akamatsu / TV Tokyo
Winamp skin created by Luigi Hann using screen captures from the Love Hina DVDs, Adobe Photoshop, and Skinner's Atlas by Jellby.
Email me at info-is@in-file
Love Hina is copyright Bandai / Ken Akamatsu / TV Tokyo.
Winamp skin created by Luigi Hann using screen captures from the Love Hina DVDs, Adobe Photoshop, and Skinner's Atlas by Jellby. Thanks to the people in the forums for helping out.
Email me at info-is@in-file
It's time for Dr. Ludwig Von Kaeru Skin & Flesh
Editing Show!...
Today, we have a goulishly Rob Zombie Winamp skin,
which wouldn´t be alive without t ...
This Winamp skin was made by Carl Warwick (c)1999 (
Distribute this skin freely to anyone, but don't mess around with any of the files please.
Submit your skins, check it out at http://www.ParkstoneMOT.freese ...
. a r t e info-is@in-file
Updated for Winamp 2.90. Changed colors in playlist
as requested by many... "Improved" a few things
Sergei Gradski pointed out a bug with the clutter
bar. It ...
::: dcb v1.5 by dcbel ::: 06.08.2006
winamp skin
After years of using winamp, i saw many great
skins but only a few of them were good looking
and usable.
So, i decided to do it at my own.
Roundabout 45+ h it takes me to dr ...
Alert v1.0 by Susanne Hellesfjord
This is a skin for WinAmp 2.0 and higher.
Comments? Suggestions? E-mail: info-is@in-file
Februa ...
By LuigiHann
This skin was inspired by the anime Trigun. All of the graphics were done from scratch in Photoshop. I was trying ta make a skin that recognisably resembles and alludes to the anime, ...
Jackie Chan skin for WinAmp 1.8 or higher
Version 2.3 (December 23, 2000)
// Installation...
Unzip into your winamp skins folder.(ex. c:program fileswinampSkins )
load up winamp and popup the window;'select skin'(=press 'Alt'+'S'),
select 'Jack ...
Welcome to Readme of Volatile Amp v6.0
Created by Dean Gibson
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
this skin was inspired and created around the theme of
Volatile Visions, run by Zoli Borbasi.
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Watch out for some new skins that are co ...