Object: Visual Interface for Winamp 2.9 (skin)
Data of creation: June 24, 2003
Tools: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8.0
Author: Ibraim Soltonbaev
- e-mail: info-is@in-file
- url: www.geocities.com/ibrweb
"What is cyberdimension? It is a place where only two states make sense: on or off, i.e. 1 or 0. Generated in the hearts of computing machines, billions of bits flow through the invisible endless channels to interact with another bits, thus making up what we know as people, personalities, identities and lifes. CyberDimension is a world of logic and paradoxes, mistakes and algorithms...
To Internet as a entire community dedicated..."
A little bit about this skin... Metal represents hardware, lights and luminousity - correspondingly software. Required a lot of work, effort and desire. Fully skined: base windows, buttons, cursors, video, avs, library windows. Looks best in my opinion against the black background (try it, setting your desktop background black). What else...
Overall graphics is pretty nice, inspired by my web-site design, which I created couple of months ago. So you might check it out...
Enjoy it... And don't forget to send or leave your opinions and suggestions on winamp.com
Ibraim Soltonbaev
Upgrade status: upgraded june 26, 2003
----Krzysztof Kieslowski - BLUE ----
-skin by StillWater- version 1.4
All of my skins, in the most current version, are here: http://www.1001winampskins.com/member_profile.html?author_id=13265
For my MikroAmp skin ...
Coppied from winamp/wa_dlg.h from the Winamp 2.9 ML SDK.
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both
Thanx for downloading this version of Reactor console for winamp2+
the EQmain and playlist area has been re-designed to give it more depth,
there have been some changes in some of the buttons
and there is now a minibrowser and AVS with this package.
Made by Nero!
This is a skin inspired by the Palm Pilot by 3Com. This is the best skin
I have made. It goes perfect with your Palm Pilot. Try the Palm OS Emulator
and see what I mean. It got support for the minibrowser. If you have Winam ...
Normal=#00FF00 //Color of the regular text (Playlist).
Current=#FFFFFF //Color of the current track text (Playlist).
NormalBG=#000000 //Background for normal text (Playlist).
Selec ...
Nexces' Hassium AMP (Greeny) v1.05 for Winamp 2.20 or later
Released 5.5.1999.
Thanks for downloading my Skin!
* DJ Cowboy Digital Audio System *
Thank you for downloading and installing this skin.
http://www.mp3.com/DJCowboy - MP3.com page
http://twohorse.homestead.com/twohorse.html - Two Horse Web Page
http://www.ang ...
Release date:08/10/2004
My third WA2 skin.Completed in 10 weeks.
No colormods at the moment.
Important thing about this skin is : Tried to keep it smooth and usable cause
there were some complaints a ...