}this is read better with NOTEPAD{
>created by : Unsane from Bulgaria
>added : v 1.8 -avs,mb and now SHUFFLE & REPEAT buttons(not good but i'll think of something),{the balance just didn't fit in,sorry but who uses it anyway??}
v 1.83-new mono/stereo indicators;new numbers;new text.bmp + tiny fixups in main window
v 1.84-rew/pause/stop signs(wasn't any space for the others) and a new EQ on/off button + tiny playlist fixups
v 1.85-SHUFFLE & REPEAT buttons(at last!!!=) + minor winshade mode fixups
>begun : 20.06.2002
>finished : 28.06.2002
>modified : 26.02.2003
>progs used : Photoshop5.0
>base skins : new from scratch
>history : that's my fifth winamp skin made from scrach.and it's the first one for which i used the full power of Photoshop5.0(I prevoiusley used only PAINT[imagine that!]).it kinda took me a while cuz my pc is a 66 MHz/16 RAM old piece of junk.
>speech : what can i say?... i'm a keen fan of REEBOK so i decided to make a skin matching my reebok wallpaper.
>thanks : everyone who support me and of course to ADOBE and REEBOK, and to all who email me for opinions and advice
>no thanks : my parents for not leaving me alone and not sparing some money for a new PC =)
>other skinz :[haven't uploaded those but they aren't worth seein' anyway.mail me to send them to you if you want to]
>expect : -REEBOK HEXALITE 1.9(with lots of improvementz)
-ADIDAS T-MAC AMP 1.0b(started making this one already)
-SONY MP3 PLAYA 1.0b(only got the ideas for now =))
>contact : info-is@in-file(ask me to send you the matchin' REEBOK wallpaper if you like)
Greenback Amp v1.0
This skin is the first of its kind (to my knowledge) and Winamp has been
screaming for a skin like this. However i cannot take credit for this
original idea. The credit and inspiration for this skin belongs only to
my wonderful ...
This skin is taken from StarFox� 64 featuring the key charachter, Fox McCloud.
I tried to show most of the picture as well as all of the controls and this was the result.
Colours were chosen to match the starry background s ...
Green Hazard version 2.0
Skinned the AVS, Video and Media Library Windows.
Hope this is better than the first one.
Comments at: info-is@in-file ...