=========== FruityLoop 3 =============
Autor: Anel Sánchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Terminado: 1 de diciembre de 2003
FruityLoop: es un programa para crear samplings
y secuencias de música (el programa es muy cool!!!)
Segun lo que leí en "About...", el concepto del
diseño estetico del programa es de:
-Didier Dambrin (gol)
-Jean-Marie Cannie
-Frank Van Biesen
-Ief Goossens
Yo tomé las partes del skin del programa y las
adapté a winamp 2.9x, creo que esta bien :P
Utilice: Vis toolKit, MSpaint y notepad.
- Main
- Equalizer
- Playlist
- Minibrowser
- Media Library
- Video
- AVS (WA2.x)
- MikroAmp
- Vidamp*
Otros skins:
*Vidamp Plugin:
Skin por Anel GTR
e-mail: info-is@in-file
URL: www.smpanama.com
1001Skin.com Homepage: http://www.1001skins.com/member_profile.html?author_id=39478
Hikari Gatomon
Version 1.0
Skin made by SirDread
Image from doujinshi "Yagami-san chino Katei Jijou"
email: info-is@in-file
Hikari Gatomon
Skin by SirDread
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Sailor Neptune AMP 2.0
>>Dammit, I can't remember if it goes Neptune-Uranus or Uranus-Neptune, but who the hell cares? They'll both get finished eventually. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9847/ supplied the pictures, as usual. An excelle ...
::::HOWIE DAY::::
This skin features Howie Day, a talented rising musician. Check out his new
cd "Australia" and his website www.howieday.com. This skin is dedicated to
Howie and all the fans.
This skin was made in paintshop pro without the use of ...
Rockman & Forte Amp V2.0
Created By: Juan A. Silva Jr. (Lord Toon)
This skin was made to commemorate one of ...