created by Rommel Vincent C. Angeles
for Vivian P.
finished December 23, 2001 12:43am
The nephilim are supposed offspring of mortals
and angels.
I made this skin for someone who, if not angelic,
is certainly not of this ordinary mortal coil,
in person and aura.//
My other skins:
* these skins were from my Rommel
Vincent C Angeles account.
my early works- maybe I'll re-visit them.
This skin was done entirely in PhotoShop.
I experimented with chrome and light.
I hope this makes top mark. Or if you have any
suggestions or comments, please, Mr. Llama, could
you please give them? Or if not, please put a
good word in for the skin. Thanks. Peace.
Been trying out some things:
Watch out for my next attempt - Winamp3
March The 5th Of 2004
For Winamp 2.x
By :: (¯`·.¸_¸.·¤< £L * /r6£][¨|¨Ø >¤·.¸_¸.·´¯)
«< Main Window >»
«< Main Windowshade >»
«< Equalizer Window >»
«< Equali ...
17:26 21/02/00 - Kenwood Virtual Bass Release 1.0
This skin is loosly based on a Kenwood Home Stereo with LCD display
and a back-light. This is my first skin release. Hope it satisfies
stereo realism! Enjoy...
E-Mail me with any comments : info-is ...
=>Windows Xp Styled Skin from GSA info-is@in-file
-> info-is@in-file
for more skins visit:
-> www.gsa.fatal.ru