Final Fantasy X Winamp Skin
Based upon the design of the official US Final Fantasy X website & logo.
It's a little bit blue, maybe I'll add in some pink/purple like the website in version 2!
This skin was created in May 2002 by Sarah Ellerton
Please visit my Fantasy Art Gallery! Full colour Final Fantasy & Wheel of Time fanart images - and more!
This is my second Winamp skin. Suggestions and comments are welcome. If anybody can tell me how to make custom winamp cursors, that would be helpful!
... Chimera version 1.0 ....
.... by Arun das (dam), Blackdog and Nini ....
This skin was originally intented for the collab skin contest on The contest was called off and all of us forgot about this ...
This file is best viewed through WinAmp.
| University of Michigan Winamp Skin v.1.20 |
| Created By Ted Park |
| Inspired by Dave Flowerday ...
August 24, 1999
Okay, I have made 8 Rasen no Kakera skins now. Yeesh, I can't get enough
of the artwork from this series! I should probably take a break from Rasen
Skins, or everyone will get sick of seeing them ^_^ Anyway, I liked the color
sche ...