Zima - StillWater
(English below)
Wersja 1.2
Ta skórka byla zrobiona na "zimowy" konkurs skórkowy zorganizowany przez J Burnaway w forum "Skin-Love":
Nigdy nie uzywam guzika "Open/Eject", wiec ominalem go w tej skórce z powodów estetycznych. Ale jezeli go uzywasz, mozesz go miec - tym sposobem:
-Uzyj "winzip" zeby otworzyc skórke (skórki - WSZ - sa poprostu file'y ZIP z inna koncówka)
-Zmien nazwe CBUTTONS.BMP na CBUTTONS-without-OPEN.BMP
-Wsadz te dwie file'y spowrotem do skórki (WSZ) i zaladuj jeszcze raz skórke w winampie
Ta skórka równiez zawiera skórki na plugin'sy VIDAMP i AMAROK.
Zdjecie pnia bylo zrobione przez Kube Rejka. Wiecej zdiec Kuby Rejka:
Reszte mojich skórek mozna sciagnac tutaj:
Version 1.2
Made for the Winter skin contest run by J Burnaway in the "Skin-Love" forum:
I never use the Open/Eject button, so it is missing on this skin to make it less cluttered. However, I have skinned it for those who use it, though you'll need to activate it first. Here's how to activate it:
-Open the WSZ with Winzip (WSZ files are just ZIP files renamed)
-Copy these two files back into the WSZ and reload the skin in winamp
This skin also contains skins for the plugins VIDAMP and AMAROK.
The photograph of the tree stump was taken by Kuba Rejek. More of Kuba Rejek's photographs here:
The rest of my skins can be downloaded here:
"Zima" means "winter" in Polish.
Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on this skin at "Skin-Love", especially to "not in santiago" for her extensive and very helpful feedback. All of your comments and criticism were much appreciated, as always.
"Maximum Velocity"
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file | www.ampburner.com)
This is my latest skin called 'Maximum Velocity"
or "V-Max". I would personally describe it as
're ...
17 of August of 2000
Ash and Pikachu v3.1
====================== ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
Hello, my name is Claire. I am 24 and I live in Wolverhampton in the UK. I am an artist. My main interest is Ceramic sculpture but I also draw and paint. This is not my first skin. I did Moth and Immortals II, and also Lexx amp, Welsh amp, IDSS and Dead m ...
-============== WinSkin 2.9 ==============-
Winamp skin for Winamp v2.9 or lower.
Skin para Winamp v2.9 ou versőes anteriores (deve funcionar com versőes posteriores também), baseado no desenho do Wi ...
Mp3DeeP v1.0
>Released: 17th February 2000...<
= I N F O =
tHE FIRST mp3DeeP Winamp Skin ever!.... more to come!
skin is made for my music-site: ...
Thanks for downloading my skin!
I hope you like the layout. If
you are useing MikroAmp, I have
included my matching skin for
it also. This skin represents
some three months of work for
me, soplease don't rip it. I
know it may not be the best ...