Part of the Jazz Masters series
by Collin C.
Thelonious Monk, awesome free jazz pianist. Not only would he play jazz for you, but also put on a dance show. In the middle of a song or a solo he's leave his piano bench and do a jig. Crazy stuff
"MingusAmp" is property of Collin C. and may not be ripped, reproduced, or republished in any
way or form without permission. If found, the rip will be disposed of and you might as well start packin.
Blue Monk, Ruby My Dear, Straight No Chaser, Epistrophy, Let's Cool One, Green Chimneys, Monk's Blues, Well You Needn't, Off Minor, Crepuscule with Nellie
Comments, suggestions, bugs? E-mail me.
par Th.P., février 2000
Th.P.= Thierry Pottier
Looks like a 1960's NASA hardware.
Quite sure that Neil Armstrong had this Winamp version with his equipment
when he first walked on the moon,
and h ...
This skin was made with Photoshop and Jellby's Skinner's Atlas, for Winamp 5.2.
Marta Martins aka Encore
Email me --> info-is@in-file
Or visit my page @ DeviantART -->
:) ...
Penny Arcade
You wouldn't get it.
Winamp skin by LuigiHann
All art stolen from the comic by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, except for the kitchen background which was taken from
Penny Arcade (www ...
"Maximum Velocity"
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file |
This is my latest skin called 'Maximum Velocity"
or "V-Max". I would personally describe it as
're ...
"... in the name of god, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen..."
>> Hellsing - Alucard WinAmp skin invoked by Nasgaroth at the autumn equinox 2003 e.v.
>> version 1.0 optimized for WinAmp 2.91 and older
>> ...