kyaela v2.0 - minibrowser
Kyaela v2.0
by ~caz
[format: WA2.xx]
[released 30th April 2003]
[vers 1.0]
I'm really crap at writing these readme thingies so give me a break lol.
First of all thanks for downloading the skin :D - it justifies the many hours I spent making/designing it,
even if my arms feel like jelly and my eyes have blisters...:'( - lol, thanks again :D
I'd like to especially thank:
-cleanup, for all the times he helped me with problems I had with the skin on msn, and of course for collaborating with me on the original kyaela.
-All my friends over at the Winamp2 Forums (aka. Skinlove, wooooo! :D) for contributing their ideas and for not putting copyrights on them (mwuhaha)
-My toaster, because without that I'd have probably starved by now
-Static-X, for keeping me awake long enough to make progress :D
Don't really know what else to say...hmmm...oh yea, If you want to contact me for any reason (hopefully to praise my work, rofl :D:D:D lol)
you can do so by sending an email here:
Contact me: info-is@in-file
Well, thats about it I spose. ^.^
Catch ya later.
^.~ caz.
Skinned Components:
Media Library
Yet to be Skinned [possibly in an update]:
dont know where to put this yet :)
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both
highlight and no-highlight modes. The font is variable width,
and it uses the first color before the letter A as the delimiter.
The no-highlight form of letter must be the same width as the
highlight form.
2) genex.bmp has button and scrollbar images, as well as some individual
pixels that describe the colors for the dialog. The button and
scrollbar images should be self explanatory (note that the buttons
have 4 pixel sized edges that are not stretched, and the center is
stretched), and the scrollbars do something similar.
The colors start at (48,0) and run every other pixel. The meaning
of each pixel is:
x=48: item background (background to edits, listviews etc)
x=50: item foreground (text color of edit/listview, etc)
x=52: window background (used to set the bg color for the dialog)
x=54: button text color
x=56: window text color
x=58: color of dividers and sunken borders
x=60: selection color for listviews/playlists/etc
x=62: listview header background color
x=64: listview header text color
x=66: listview header frame top color
x=68: listview header frame middle color
x=70: listview header frame bottom color
x=72: listview header empty color
x=74: scrollbar foreground color
x=76: scrollbar background color
x=78: inverse scrollbar foreground color
x=80: inverse scrollbar background color
x=82: scrollbar dead area color
Thank you for downloading CaesarAmp!
Please read me! You might learn something!
This skin is an attempt to capture the classic
beauty of Rome...and apply it to a functional
If you are wondering what the Latin words mean,
here they are. I d ...
... Revolution 2020 ...
== designer: ==
D3n aka Jackson t. Perfect
== notes: ==
this skin may be distributed freely in whatever
forms as is. Alterations such as changing, altering or
removing images, text documents etc. included in the
.wsz ...
by MsbS
This is my 4th skin, not very
sophisticated, but I quite like it.
Everything is skinned (well, unless
there's a new Winamp-feature with
undocumented windows or something).
Now it's probably time to learn
the transparency ...
-----The SHAG skin-----
--by StillWater-- v1.1
This skin is based on the wonderful illustrations of SHAG. I love the late 50s/early 60s style he uses. Check his stuff out at
A quick note about the windows ...