The Mushroom Kingdom Winamp Skin
Based on the layout and images from
my email: info-is@in-file
Note: TMK is not my website. I used stuff off the site to make this skin. Visit the site to find more information on whose site it is.
2002 Corvette AMP
Created by Dawg4Life2K1 (aka Alex Luu)
"McLaren F1 AMP" is property of Alex Luu and may not be ripped, reproduced, or republlished in any
way or form without my discretion. If found, the rip will be taken down ...
Hiya everybody!!!
This is my 2nd published WinAmp skin, and I have actually managed to skin WinAmp during the busy summer.
As of Monday, September 02, 2002... this is my websites official WinAmp skin.
Contact me (Dhruv Patel) at:
http://www. ...
Wooody amp
for Winamp
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my fourth skin that I officially published(the other three are Raw amp,Illusion,sleek amp).I've skinned most of the windows winamp has to offer.This is my fastest skin mak ...
##### T ONIC AMP #####
Winamp 2 skin by Basementman
All images on this skin are copywrite (C)2003.
You may change the images for your personal use only.
Check out more of my work & skins at:
http://www. ...