*** MetalX Platinium Deluxe ***
for Winamp 2
by Borac
January 2003, Croatia
Skinned components:
- Main skin
- Equalizer
- Playlist Editor
- Mini Browser
Cursors are not skinned.
Usage notice:
Set up your desktop to 32-bit color depth and enjoy!
MetalX Platinium Deluxe is based on my previous skin
MetalX Platinium Classic.
If you like it and/or have any sugestions/critics, please
send me a mail :).
___ eIndia ___
by Stephen Moss
version 1.2: March 31, 2001
original release: March 15, 2000
This skin is a companion to the website eIndia.com.
eIndia is based on the architecture distinctive to some of India's ...
FleaMP winamp skin ver1.0
created by ardnac akar
email : info-is@in-file
29 June 2000
One of the Funkiest Bass Player on Earth
that joined one of the Greatest
Band on the Pl ...