Many years ago Prince Darkness " GANNON " stole one of the TRIFORCE with power. Princess ZELDA had one of the TRIFORCE with wisdom. She divided it into " 8 "units to hide it from " GANNON " before she was captured.
ZeldaAmp WinAmp Skin
I've been making this skin for as long as I can remember. It was my second or third attempt at making a skin, and I've been adjusting it frequently since. Most of the images used in this skin were taken from Zelda Classic or drawn by me.
Tools Used:
MS Paint for putting the images together
Zelda Classic for attaining screenshots
Microangelo for certain special effects (like shrinking and gradients)
Special Thanks to:
Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto for making the Zelda games,
Armageddon Games for Zelda Classic,
Me for making this winamp skin
And The Warlock, whose Super Mario Bros. skin inspired me to make this.
(I got it from
Set the Visualisation to Spectrum analyzer, fire style, thin bands, with peaks for best fire effect.
Orace Signature Amp
This is yet another blue-themed skin. May be my last classic for a while as I've been dabbling with some free-formed skins. As usual AVS and MikroAmp have been skinned. Send any comments or suggestions to info-is@in-file
Agai ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
::Hugi Official Skin (rmx)::
--=by SacRat=--
Hugi Official Skin was designed in order to promote international Hugi diskmag. Hugi is a diskmag (magazine, distributed as an application file, which contains text, graphics and music), ...
"Kopernik" by StillWater.
For other stuff by me visit:
or search for "StillWater" at
Thanks to everybody at the classic skins forum (aka "Skin-love") who made suggestions and comments ...
02/27/2001 : Digi 722
This skin works best on 32 bit graphic setting.
It's going to have some bug on 24 bit.
Digi 722 by Amin Shariati for Winamp.
If you have found any mistakes or have any comments just
send me a mail.
My e-mail address:
info- ...
================ Diablo Amp =================
Copyright 1998 by Vader
This Skin was made by combining many parts
of some of the best skins out there (plus some of my own creations),
so I would like to thank anyone that I used stuff from their ski ...
7Lines v1.0 November 14th, 2001
Creator: Lasse Adolphsen
E-mail: info-is@in-file
About the ...