Skin: Iron Chef
Author: jjpotter
Inspiration: crazy Japanese cooking competition
Assistance: Input from our friends at the Skinlove Forum
If you haven't seen the show, watch it, if only just once. It will make you a better person.
Hope you like the skin
Allez Cuisine!!! . . .
Iron Chef Haiku poems by David Cortez-
What could that dish be?
Fukui-San! Yes Ota?
It's fried grasshopper.
Why did I eat that?
If memory serves me right,
I'm f***ing crazy.
And now one I wrote a second ago,
dedicated to the centerpiece of my skin-
Perfect bell pepper
Bitten in the prime of life
By a thespian
winamp classic skin by a112
finished 10.08.2004 23:39
rebuild 15.08.2004 18:46 (bugs fixed)
Wow. I made this skin just for one day. In the
morning I was writing a tutorial how to m ...
Columbus Crew
By Mattias Karlsson
This is the first skin I make by request, and so long the only.
I dont remember the name on the guy who wanted it, but he was a fan
of columbus crew and MLS.
For you who dont know Columbus Crew i ...
Skin Name = Glassworx ***See Notes***
Skin Version = 2.1
Skin Category = PolyMetal
Category Ver = 4.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett
Author Alias 1 = Garet Jax
Author Alias 2 = Revrick
Author Alias 3 = Wouldn't you like to know the many version ...