-=[Liquid Paradise]=-
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
My latest and prolly final winamp 2.x skin.
I'm gonna keep my big mouth shut, and let
you enjoy it!
Here's the deal: if you like my skin and
would l ...
Great !!!!
BuHeHe Gold Winamp skin .... my second ... and i think very good ... cursors are missing ...
but maybe i will make it too ....
If you´ve got something to tell me .... please write me on info-is@in-file
Peter Kuk ...
Plastyk by StillWater
As with most Classic skins, this looks better with "skinned font" and "skinned cursors" turned ON in the winamp options. And if you use windowblinds, make sure you put winamp.exe in the Windowblinds exclusion list.
More of my ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
Lufia. The Legend, The Legacy, The Skin.
This skin took me months to create since I didn't concentrate on it entirely. I knew someone had to make a Lufia Skin so I could listen to my Lufia songs. And when I found this pic it just said 'SKIN ME' all ove ...
Aguileramp: Make Me Over Version 2.
By: L. Bacud
May 27th 2003 Update Dec. 21st 2003
Welcome to Make Me Over, an in-depth Christina Aguilera Winamp Classic Skin. Make Me Over is based on the photo shoot which Chri ...