(der will zur macht)
by: schezo
staretd: 04 april 2003
version1.0 : 10 april 2003
Wow! It's been A WHOLE YEAR since I
made my last skin... I think that
was an ff8 skin... Seifer (Dark
Anyway, the skin turned out better than
I expected. The buttons are specially
designed to match the "futuristic-
mystic feel".
I think this is another first by yours
truly. First Xenosaga Winamp skin on
the internet.
Thanks for downloading this. I've
been working on this skin for a
whopping 15hours+!!! Every part
of the skin posed a challenged
for me because I tried to work on
a new technique, and there you
have it, the finished product!
Whew! Really took some hard work,
huh! But all the effort is worth it.
Sit back, listen to the music, and
enjoy the skin! :)
blue: adjust/move
red: close
red:249.64.67 [f94043]
darkness: 42.51.75 [2a3348]
lavander: 195.178.238 [c3b2ee]
ultramarine: 74.83.177 [4a5381]
aquamarine: 119.153.252 [7799fc]
lt.blue: 160.192.249 [a0c0f9]
flesh: 244.202.155 [f4ca98]
fonts: sui generis, serpentine
This is the official Winampskin of the House-Trained Wavecoremetalband . If you wish to see what other goodies we have for you at our site, please visit it at www.starspawn.com. (you'll find our lyrics, funstuff, mp3 downloads, pix,...). We hope to welcom ...
This skin is a tribute to the best modern synthpop band of today, Iris.
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Author: Niklas Kalliotie
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Readme content
3.Useless information
Red and black. I just cant get enough of them.
I did this skin because I had some spare time and I just couldn't help ...
X-ICE mk.]|[- By Lawrence Railey
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