the following skin was made by: the"Free-Lancer" Aka Justin
I am a fan of Bruce Lee I thought it would only be appropriate,
to make my very own winamp skin devoted,
to the worlds greatest Martial Artist!!!!!
by L.Larsson 08/26/04
NVGreen Skin by 337,
New for Winamp 5!
works best with WinAmp 2.9 & up.
All windows are skinned.
All New Graphics..& New Cursor set!
Installation: v2.5 ...
Gabiamp v1.73 - 15/12/1999
Gabiamp it's a 2.2x Winamp skin, based on Aaron Miller's Ionamp. If you have
suggests, requests, bugs, etc., write me to info-is@in-file. Feel free to publish
this skin on a website, magazine, cd-rom, etc. Just don't modi ...
Artificial Intelligence
visit my website: Comkillserve
visit the official A.I. website:
A.I. amp
David is 11 years old.
He weighs 60 pounds.
He is 4 f ...
I included a startpage for the minibrowser. Unfortunately it will be changed if you
update the links. Put the startpage (winampmb.htm) in the winamp-folder ...