Rose Tattoo
visit my website: Comkillserve
Rose Tatoo v5.0
v5.0 added the 4 new pixels in genex.bmp
v2.9 updated the skin for winamp 2.9
added video and media library windows.
This skin was made by Mr Tough Guy.
This skin may or may not have equalizer sliders
however two versions of the skin exist,
one with and one without the sliders, both
versions of the equalizer are however included
to change from one version to the other, just follow
these simple instructions:
first of all open the wsz file with winzip
(if that doesn't work try renaming the file
to, and open it with winzip)
you will find two files named EQMAIN.BMP
and EQMAIN2.BMP, all you have to do is
either delete or rename the original EQMAIN.BMP
(I recommend a renam, that way you can change it
back if you want to by reversing what you did)
and then rename EQMAIN2.BMP to EQMAIN.BMP
then go to winamp and hit F5 to reload the skin
Dedicated to Ladybug, who in an act of kindness
gave a complete stranger the comic with the art
this skin is based on, this one's for you!
Special Thanks to:
Warren Ellis, for creating Rose Tattoo and making
Stormwatch a great read.
Travis Charest, for drawing the best pic of
Rose Tattoo ever
Jim Lee, for creating Stormwatch in the first place
Cyana, for creating template amp which was a big help
dbleja (aka stillwater), for some great suggestions
and all the guys and gals at the Winamp Skinlove
Forum, for helping and inspiring skinners
previous work can be found at:
any comments can be directed at:
If you want to put this or any other of my skins on
your website, feel free to do so, as long as you
give me credit for making them and put up a link back
to my website.
May The force be with you
Mr Tough Guy
*** readme.txt for FATBOYamp ***
Version: 1.00
Developed by: PHG
Published the: 24.8 2000
This is my 10´th skin! And 3'th music skin
Always wanted to be a DJ...
...well nudge those records an see 'em spin!
Make way FATBOY SLIM is ...
runes greenish-grey ver1.0.0
hy! I'm epsilon, some kid from Romania with nothing to
do this summer that's why I decided to make this skin.
I used mostly Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 (tm) and MS Pain(t)
This is only my second skin to be released to the ...
This is my second skin so far... It's a tribute to the argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges; the picture is a collage I made with some magazine cuttings and printed lines from some of his poems, and it's somehow the representation of my feelings about the ...
````````````````````````````` Remix 2.0 ````````````````````````````````
This is the second version of Remix.The first version
was my most downloaded skin,even though I never
intended for it to be a hit.For this version i decided
to create a totall ...
Digital Stereo 73
Tell me what you think of this or other skins of mine, and download more at:
or e-mail me at:
all skin components are original and therefore pro ...
>=> BUCKS AMP - Ver2.0 - CAT: University => a tribute to the Ohio State Buckeyes Designed by Jackyl Buck "the JACKYL on the web"
> Hit'n'Run Graphics
> Fort Wayne, IN USA
> E-mail - info-is@in-file
> Visit me on ...
Crane Clan Winamp Skin (CraneAmp)
Author: Charon
Authors email: info-is@in-file
This skin may be freely distributed providing this Readme file is included and this zip is not modified in any way.
If you intend to modify this skin, p ...