SSTAMP 1.0 official Winamp 2 skin
created by Judy Schmidt AKA Geckzilla
Random fact: The AVS will look weird if you do
not have the latest version of Winamp. I
included avs.bmp in the skin but had no way to
test it.
Thanks to
- Jeric and his underlings for making possible,
- TemplateAmp for making the creation of this
skin 10x easier,
- Cocles for harrassing me non-stop,
- Nullsoft (big fat obvious sign),
- #Eatpoo for making things... interesting,
- Tucker and Marshmallow for keeping me
- ...and everyone and everything I probably
=== Alyson Hanngan Amp - skin for Winamp ===
-------------- by Zeke -------------
v1.1, Feb. 14, 2000
This WinAmp skin created by Zeke
Any questions or comments? Like this skin? E-mail me: info-is@in-file
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*** * Candyskin * ***
by Carlos Leonardo C. Alves December 7, 2001
Barra Mansa - RJ, Brazil
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Thanks for choosing my skin! :-))
Skin made with: - Paint Shop Pro 5.03
- Skinamp 1.09 (thanks for Sascha Hlu ...
Macross Plus DW
by Larry Tennison
Well, this is the skin that started it all. This was my first skin.
I've put out so many versions of the skin to keep up with the new
windows for win ...
- Majestic 12 Winamp Skin -
This Winamp skin is brought to you
by the Majestic 12 team.
You can visit the Majestic 12 site at
made by ParanoiDinHELL
comments :: info-is@in-file
--------------------- ...
winamp classic skin by a112
finished 18.08.2004 23:52
Azumanga rules again and again!!! That's one
of reasons why I made this skin. Sakaki is
taken from Azumanga manga, so I didn't h ...
Skin by: -=[E][L][Y}=- Ocbina
Plce Minibrowser and Playlist in middle, EQ in the bottom.
Does it look nice? well, just have fun on it. but dont ripped it
The final version will include AVS and Mickro Skin ...