'..'``'..'[ README FILE FOR HALF LIFE AMP VERSION 2.0 ]'..'``'..'
Yo watz-up?
Creator Infomation:
Name : James Keen
AKA : The Sage
Email : info-is@in-file
ICQ : 45265440, my nickname is [The_Sage]
URL : http://sagesoftware.cjb.net
MSN Messenger : Yes i have it, use the hotmail address to
find me, i am [The_Sage]
Readme file Infomation:
This is the readme file for the skin "Half Life Amp version 2.0"
i know for a fact that nobodys gonna read this file, i know i
wouldent, so i can say what ever i like, like say err...."your
all a bunch of losers" and i wont get into trouble cos nobody
reads the readme file :-) nah sorry, just kidding now for the
serious stuff
Skin Infomation:
Version : 1.2
Genral skin infomation:
This skin was made by me James Keen AKA The Sage
I spent about 48 non-stop back brakeing hours into doing the
original skin and a hell of a lot of time updateing it aswell,
so i dont want none of you guys/gals copying any part of my
skin, stealing any part of my skin, sleeping with any part of
my skin, or otherwise infringing on my copyrights ok??
cos if ya do, i could even be forsed to use pork power
(get the police on ya for the more PC people out there)
V1.1 : Skin is new
V1.2 : Put some finishing touches on to the playlist editor
and the minibrowser that should have been included in
V1.1 (DOH!) and i made this readme file look better
aswell, also the .zip is MUCH smaller in size,
V2.0 : Equliser wheels rotate with the button, (looks REALLY cool
download to see) same thing done with the volume and ballence
wheels, lots of bugs fixed, the numbers now look like LED ones
and not the winamp ones, clutter bar skinned, new logo,
updated readme file,
Enjoy Half Life Amp
James Keen
"if you see your mom this weekend will you be sure to tell her....SATAN SATAN SATAN"
Thank You for downloading Meowo's Pikachu 1.0
This Skin is made for non-profitable purposes and may be distributed freely as long as none of the files are changed.
Meowo's Animepage
http://www.geocities.com/meowo_anime ...
Mavro II. Dark, yet not gloomy. Sliders that actually tell you something, some subtle transparent areas, plenty of dots and ready for Easter. I updated and polished the graphics for a better (more glas-like) feel and fixed a few small errors.
Mavro, Gr ...
--- ARCTEC Special Edition [SE] v1.0 ---
A lot more different from ARCTEC v2.0
If you found any bugs or missing parts please e-mail me at
:: info-is@in-file
********* ...
Spriggan (Yu Ominae) Ver. 1.2
By Isamu Dison (William Z)
February 2, 2001
Version 1.0
June 2, 2000
Version 1.1
June 28, 2000
Version 1.2 (Hopefully the last)
February 2, 2001
Skin Info
Time used for creation: 32 hours
Programs used ...
1st skin by
Bernd Jungbluth
This skin shall NOT be flashy, noisy or any other way anoying.
This skin shall be light, straight and reassuring.
This skin is created with assistance by Skinne ...
Aquarimech 1.0
15th Jan 2003
published by Peacemaker (c) 2003
aquarimech, my latest wa2 skin for the beginning of 2003, released as part of the breed art group.
it's not an easy skin to naviagate because of no button labels, so it's not for ever ...