AMD Thunderbird Processor Skin Version 1.0 by Garbo 7-28-00
Sleek & stylish follow-up of my Athlon K7 skin for the AMD loyalists.
Trying to keep up with AMD is a time consuming task !
Many of the same full features as the Athlon, but maybe faster?
Thanks to AMD for their "fast forward" technology, and the Logo's,
and many thanks to all that responded to my Athlon skin !
Enjoy the design..................................
Gary Bouthillier
Tip: Spectrum analyzer best set @ fire style
0,0,0, // color 0 = black
0,0,0, // color 1 = black
0,72,47 // 2 = top of spec
0,81,52 // 3
0,91,60 // 4
0,100,65 // 5
0,110,71 // 6
0,119,78 // 7
0,128,83 // 8
0,136,88 // 9
0,145,94 // 10 = mid of spec
0,153,99 // 11
0,161,104 // 12
0,170,111 // 13
0,179,116 // 14
0,188,122 // 15
0,197,128 // 16
0,206,134 // 17 = bottom of spec
0,206,134 // 18 = osc 1
0,170,111 // 19 = osc 2 (slightly dimmer)
0,136,88 // 20 = osc 3
0,100,65 // 21 = osc 4
0,64,41 // 22 = osc 4 (dimmest)
0,206,134 // 23 = analyzer peak dots
mire web-designs production 2002
Hitec by Lotec
includes skins for:
AVS window
Made in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Skin master: Miralem Halilovic
Skin master mail: info-is@in-file
Com ...
////////////////// colony skin for WinAMP 2.9x \\
.: Dedicated to all true #colony members - so this is for you! :.
/// Version: 1.0 (just a number - my first skin e ...
MarioAmp v1.0 by CR54
Skin for WinAmp 1.8 (and higher)
Thanks to Shiguru Miyamoto for inspiration
Thanks to Grooverider for da beatz n' bass
(c)1999 CR54
Contact me at info-is@in-file
MarioAmp v.2.0 by Ion
Thanks to CR54 for the inspir ...