Adaptation of fractal art into a winamp skin.
Change Log:
1.0.3 5/21/06
Fixed the final problems I can find; future fixes will depend on user imput.
1.0.2 5/20/06
Redid the gradients in the playlist and finished the buttons.
1.0.1 5/19/06
Skinned minibrowser and playlist.
0.9h 5/18/06
Fixed appearence problems buttons in wrong places on the bitmaps etc.
0.9 5/15/06
Skinned General windows and the playlist also fixed some past positioning errors.
0.8e 5/5/06
Skinned the equalizer and other small things on the main windows interface.
Main window skined. Volume and balence sliders still need to be skined along with the other windows.
0.6 and previous
There where versions before I just didnt type it.
DO NOT pass this skin as your work
DO NOT use elements of my skin for your own projects
DO NOT publish it without my permission
You may edit this skin for PERSONAL USE ONLY
Title : Vizor , as visual impact , evil lightning , shine and reflection.
Completed : on 23/2/2002.
Skinned : Everything except the minibrowser , its useless anyway :P.
Style : Energetic metal , bronze and silver .
Skin for : Winamp 2.7x
.. ...
Brought to you by: Ray Agnes
Completion Date: 7/20/2000
CONTACT: info-is@in-file
SLOGAN: " 'Then I Let the Alpine Play' " [lyrics from Dynamite
Hack's song - "Boyz In The Hood"]
Hey Fella's,
This is a continuati ...
Another skin...:)
Wanna see surrealistic graphics??
Visit my site:
enjoy the art..............
For my girlfriend ROXY
I love you BABY!:)
and also for my ...