Sony wx-5500mdx
version: 1.2
by: Gec Production(c), 2002
location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date of production: Feb.13.2002
e-mail: info-is@in-file
(March 07.2002):
- eq. min. button bug fixed
- posbar copy.bmp added (change it to posbar.bmp to use it!)
(July 17.2002):
- cursors added
- new vol.,bal.& eq. sliders
- other minor graphical changes
(July 07.2003)
- video.bmp, gen.bmp and genex.bmp added (winamp 2.9x supported)
I got the idea for this skin in Sony wx-5500mdx!!!
It took a lot of time to airbrush it and
I'm still not satisfied! Report me for bugs!!!
All windows are skined including
avs & micro!!
Mail me for Amarok and Vidamp skins!
This skin is dedicated to my
girlfriend "Cat", thanx for
Your support!!! I love You!
Greets to all the members of &
( thanx for all the criticism...)
Expect more and better soon...
Stay Cool...
Sony is the registered trademark of Sony Corporation, Tokyo
Iphaistos v1.0 Public Release
- by Matteo, Shea, X-Caponius -
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-= Well folks, here it finally is... Simplex v2.0 =-
I hope you liked the first version but this one is above and beyond.
It includes skins for the mini-browser, playlist, equalizer, main
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========== aqua2002==========
Winamp Skin
by Siegfried Frech
pozzblizz webdesign
Stuttgart - Germany
name - aqua2002AMPv1.0
(updatet version based on a ...
Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZ
Admiring people's work, I create one for myself.
You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.
First Ever Skin By TakaSan Shimabukur ...