"idhuy music forever"
Released 3 sept 00 (in my b'days)
*Bandung Indonesia*
idhuy is my nick name, so this is my personal skin & 100% free !!
i hope you enjoy with this skin.
Skinmaster : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
e-mail : info-is@in-file
Bennie's X-BOX AMP V.1.02
A nice xbox skin from Ben R. with a little help of Rub R. If you find any bug's please report it!
My inspiration for this skin was the x-box g ...
Winamp X v1.0 - By DeeLight
I made my first Winamp X skin. I was inspired my the new
Mac OS8 X Aqua interface. So ...
Gasflame is my second skin.
Look closely, as many parts move or reconfigure in innovative ways.
I commend the following visualization settings to you:
Spectrum analyzer ON
Fire style ON
Peaks OFF
Thin bands ON