*** * Candyskin * ***
by Carlos Leonardo C. Alves December 7, 2001
Barra Mansa - RJ, Brazil
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Thanks for choosing my skin! :-))
Skin made with: - Paint Shop Pro 5.03
- Skinamp 1.09 (thanks for Sascha Hlusiak, for his amazing skinner helping)
Cursors made with: - Microangelo 5.5
This is my 3rd skin. "Candyskin" is a response to an ask of my girl, for a skin of her. The choosed theme was Candy Candy, a japanese anime she likes. From that point, the idea were to put a portrait in a picture frame, and make of this a music player. I got use of large transparence effects - a especial one in the Equalizer Window Shade mode - and tried to make it as smooth as possible. I've liked the result. Did you?
This skin is for free distribution and use, but you are highly requested to do not copy any of its parts to another skins (please, be original!!)
Any comments are welcome at info-is@in-file
To my sweet Polly...
``````````````````````````` Ford - Mondeo ``````````````````````````````
This is my third car skin and it is based on the
Ford Mondeo(as known in SA)...
For this skin I used Photoshop to a greater extent
than all my other skins,but i wanted a subl ...
Love Hina copyright Bandai / Ken Akamatsu / TV Tokyo
Winamp skin created by Luigi Hann using screen captures from the Love Hina DVDs, Adobe Photoshop, and Skinner's Atlas by Jellby.
Email me at info-is@in-file
Love ...
MarioAmp v1.0 by CR54
Skin for WinAmp 1.8 (and higher)
Thanks to Shiguru Miyamoto for inspiration
Thanks to Grooverider for da beatz n' bass
(c)1999 CR54
Contact me at info-is@in-file
MarioAmp v.2.0 by Ion
Thanks to CR54 for the inspir ...
=== === === === === === === === === ===
Condign Apple v 1.0
=== === === === === === === === === ===
Started on: 2000.07.10
Finished on: 2001.02.12
Released on: 2002.07.21
Created by: Joshua Clark
Created with: Adobe Photosh ...
This is my lastest skin called:
Well as always hope u like it
by the way Dr. Algebra's program is good to start but i have nuthin from it left haha,
The Elusive Melon 2001..........the melon has spoken
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp ...