[title][iwakura lain]
[series]serial experiments lain
[character]iwakura lain
[size]148 KB
[comments & note]
-the balance bar is invisible.
-the shorcut buttons (option menu, toggle always on top, file info box, double size, visualization) are hard-open (I'm very sorry about this).
-eq and playlist shortcut buttons are invisible.
[email author]info-is@in-file
DW GingerCat
Created by: Ithilwen MoonRaven
@ The Dragon's Wing
Just for my BF's cat (our substitute toddler) Neo.
For an undignified photo of Neo eating seeds and leftover goop out of a pumpkin, go to http://www.dragon ...
This is my second skin of the EQ-series and I think you'll all agree this is far better than my first "Equilibrium". The way it should be set-up is to have the AVS on top of the Mini-Browser to the left of the usual set-up of Main,Equalizer and Playlist o ...
Kindred's Revived Thief Skin
This is an updated version my originam Thief skin.
It is built from the game's menu screens and is rather dark.
Thank you downloading it and supporting my sinister plan for world Winamp Skin Domination :->
This is an update of magicman82000's first skin.
I only used EZButton Extractor and paint to make it. The crusors were created in Microangelo's animator '98 studio. I would have included the originals from the pictures that I used, but that would have ...
Batman - The Dark Knightİ
by the Digital Dragon
Software Interface (skin) for the WinAMP music player (http://www.winamp.com)
Released: April 10, 2001
Thank you for downlo ...
advance4[WA2] / teal
(c) sz1, 2003
For total 10+ colors visit: http://521.2ya.com
This skin is part of advance4[] suite.
Release date: 14th July, 2003.
Updated 18th July, 2003. ...
RD-19 - by E.C. Brummel
version 1.0 - 28-09-2001
Thanks for downloading and trying my third Winamp skin.
The full skin is created in Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
This skin is based on the Digital Sampler NN-19 of the
Reason software synth from:
* htt ...