By GoldenSphynx
[ overCAST ]
by GoldenSphynx
You have downloaded my very first skin: overCAST. Every window is skinned including plug-ins and cursors.
Send all comments and question regarding overCAST to:
in ...
"Nomad, you're rider so mysterious,
Nomad, You're the spirit that men fear in us,
Nomad, you're of the most desert sands,
No man's ever understood your genius"
>Released - W ...
C'3'S - Enhance Your Limits
Type your own text here describing the site, the skin, or I don't
You may contact me at
info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file
Nuclear Cornflakes
Author: oRiX
Created With:
Paint Shop Pro 8 and Axialis AX-Cursors 4.5
The Title:
could think of nothing else
everything, including cursors (shot to silence author of "the silence" for the info on Axialis AX-Cu ...