This skin is a limited edition version of my West Coast Eagles Skins.
It was made to coincide with the ten year anniversary of West Coast's
first premiership in 1992. This skin is created entirely by me, and is not an official AFL product.
This version is just a remake of my West Coast Eagles Amp v 1.0, with
extra features that will be included in my next West Coast Eagles Amp, version 4.0. The skin was made with the intention of it resembling the
Eagles' old premiership guernsey.
Please note that this skin is to be used only with WinAmp
version 2 or greater. It was designed and tested with version 2.78c.
To make this skin work just unzip this file into your winampskins
directory. The zip file will make it's own directory with the skin
files in it. Load WinAmp, select the options menu, then skins, then
"WCEagles Special Ed" for this skin.
To uninstall this skin just delete the directory "WCEagles Special Ed"
and it's contents. The directory should exist in whichever directory
you unzipped the original file to.
[Contact Information]
If you have any queries, comments, or would like to submit a request
for a skin of your favourite AFL team, please email me and I will most
definitely help you out:
email : info-is@in-file *
* I may not be able to create a skin for every AFL team, but if I get
enough requests for a particular team I will definitely make it. The
skin will resemble my version 4.0 skin and not this one.
Thank You for choosing my skin.
Brought to you by:
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Ko'bal Chrome eX
Benjamin Perry
This is my first skin...I
started out with a plain
background and essentially
made stuff up from there.
Some of the effects were
created u ...
SqueeAmp v1.0
Squee is a character created by Jhonen Vasquez.
I get the pictures from the comics 'Johnny The Homicidal Maniac' vol. 3 and 'Squee' vol. 1+3
enjoy! ...
This exclusive miniature of the Orbit 3+1 theme for Mozilla can be yours for only €99.95 or $199 (plus 99.99 postage and packing). Order now and you will be sent another model every month until the end of time. ...
Sheila Carvalho Winamp Skin by Tatu
Thank you for downloading this skin ... hope you like it !!!
Sheila is a dancer of the brazilian axé group "É o Tchan". Their
official site is www.tchan.com.br (I think their ...
COWBOY BEBOP winamp skin
skin by LuigiHann
Openning text found at www.jazzmess.com
Art captured from DVD
Once upon a time, in New York City in 1941... at this club open to all comers to play, night after night, at a club name ...
this Skin is for winamp 2.x
(c)2003 to Jason Vine.
Version: 0.1
Skin Name: SEXY LADY
Release Date 14th/Sept/2003
Copyright Notice
------------- ...
I really love Please Save My Earth!
The anime is so beautiful, and the music is great! The manga is even
better! Here is a skin of Mokuren, one of the observers on the moon!
info-is@in-file ...
Informacion Adicional en el archivo:
Este documento especifica algunas cosas mas:
Una creacion de Guanacolandia por