Winamp Skin Properties:
Title: Blue-13
Author: :RHINO:
Version: 1.3
Winamp version: v2.77
Software used:
MS Paint
Thanks for using
this skin. Have fun
and listen to a lot
of great music. Once
again, thanks! :RHINO:
If you have anything
to say about my skin,
mail me to:
Do what you want with
this skin, I made it
for my own and others'
fun, but as my oppinion,
you should start your
OWN skin, not copy
others', right?
Thanks again.
Winamp Classix 10K 2.0 Ergonomic (June-07-2003)
This is a Winamp 2 skin based on the original Classix 10k Windows theme created by gigatexel, bant and saintdark. Thank you guys for creating such a wonderful theme and thanks to all involved in creating ...
Classic Brick: This skin was taken from the Colour-It-In skin and changed to suit my desktop colours, plus the Gen.bmp, Genex.bmp and Video.bmp sections were added also...
TenPlus1 ...
Thanks for downloading this skin!!!
You can also find my first submtted skin "Collar Bone" at
any que ...
Skinname:: Red Shade
Autor:: El*ArGeNtO
Date:: 16/09/05
This is my entry for the Monochrome Skin contest...
Hope you enojoy this one...
Programs I Used:
MS Paint (Free with windows)
GIMP (Freeware)
Vis Toolkit by Andrew Mackowski (Freewar ...