Star Wars ep2: Attack of the Clones v1.0
my second star wars ep2 skin (well my third if you
include my boba/jango fett skin) features Luke and Leia's
mother and Anakin's love interest, padme.
also included in the file is an alternative Shuffrep,
to use it just switch the names of shuffrep2.bmp and shuffrep.bmp
best viewed with the vis area inactive!
This Winamp skin was made by Darth Chronic
I have made several Winamp Skins before.
Some of my earlier creations can be found at my website:
or at the official winamp website:
If you like this Winampskin and would like to put it on your website,
please feel free to do so as long as you give me credit for making it.
If you have any comments about this or any of my other skins, mail me at:
Darth Chronic
a.k.a.Mr Tough Guy
"Fire & Steel" v1.0 WinAmp skin
Author: Schott in the Head
Complete with MN, PL, EQ & MB skins
Currently there is no AVI skin.
Look for it when v2.0 is released
If you like clean & simple this is the skin for you.
With all the ...
This Winamp skin was made by Carl Warwick (c)1999 (
Distribute this skin freely to anyone, but don't mess around with any of the files please.
There are loads more skins on their way, they will include everyt ...
a simple little skin by potatoe
Decided to make a skin that looked a bit more like I
wanted, and it came out alright (I think so at least).
questions, comments, criticisms?
info- ...
Author: Matthias Rasim
EMail: info-is@in-file
Milka - Amp V1.0
Milka - Amp is a Skin of the Milka-chocolate
It's made in the "Milka"-colors violette and white
in the background there's the logo.
Player + Playlisteditor + Equalizer + Mini-Brows ...