/= == ===[ p l a t e d 2 ]=== == =
-[ by TonchyZ ]-[info-is@in-file]
Well, this is my fourth skin so far,
first one in Photoshop. I must say
that this one was extra-fastly done.
It took me about 5 hours and only
one Photoshop session to design &
draw it. As the title says, this is
second edition, and you DO NOT want
to see the first one 8(. Also, this
is my first no-transparency skin.
You are absolutely free to spread it,
make your own variations of skin
( if possible, better than the
original one; don't do that
hue-colorize crap )
This zip includes one .avs file, so
if you have avs installed, try that
out ( the name says it all ), it
even suits the skin.
Winamp rulez!
============================= == =
product of Croatia
MEATLOVE Edition Susanna
2003 by chrismale - time2wonder.com
Finally, I convinced myself to skin also the new component windows of winamp2.9
Damn. So I told myself, that zwurbelwurbel is simply PART ...
No Limits Winamp Skin created by Ryvon
This skin is an experiment using the Region.txt in the skin folder to creat transparencies. Anyone may feel free to alter or change this skin, but please do not try to take credit for the original design.
info- ...
Version 2.51
By flatmatt
May 15, 2004
Version History:
- Added gen.bmp "no resize" mode image
- Added video window
- Added generic frame
2.0 (First "2000" edition):
(Based on the Winamp3 ...
Everything skinned. Includes MircoAMP skin.
looks best when Analyzer is on "fire style" and "think bands".