---=== Goth Amp ===---
by Zlatko Kreso
This is my first released skin that I have actually done any airbrushing on.
I'm not a goth, neither do I intend to become one, but you gotta admit, they have got an eye-catching style. A style that I have tried to implement into a winamp skin. It was hard at some times, since I don't know what goths like, only that they like vampires, but I tried to make some monsters eyes, mystical orbs, and other stuff, so it should probably appeal to them. This is a skin for all sorts of people, but I'm sure goths will especially like it. There are (if I can say so myself) lots of innovative uses of buttons and sliders, such as opening and closing eyes for the equalizer and playlist buttons, and fadings in and out for the balance slider.
I hope that you enjoy using this skin as much as I did making it.
Zlatko Kreso
Legal stuffz:
This skin may be distributed for free, but only if this file is included. You can not redestribute or distribute this skin for profit. You can not use any parts of this skin in any distrubitions of your own. It is only for personal use. If you want to sell this skin or use any parts of it in your own distrubutions, you must ask me first. You can contact me at the following e-mail adress: info-is@in-file
___ RIFFAGE ___
by Stephen Moss
version 2.0: March 31, 2001
original release: October 27, 2000
This skin was originally produced for riffage.com.
I hope you dig it!
Just over a ...
winamp classic skin by a112
finished 10.08.2004 23:39
rebuild 15.08.2004 18:46 (bugs fixed)
Wow. I made this skin just for one day. In the
morning I was writing a tutorial how to m ...
Name: Winamp VIP
Version: 1.20
Date Export: 30/01/2003
Date Upgrade: 05/05/2004
Copyright: Mr. Haitham AL-Hunayan
Description: Skin for Winamp 2.x
Informations: Full Quality Designed
I hope I don't forget any detail ... wait for next version ...
Tigers Amp
Mattias Karlsson
I start with excuse my english, its not that good.. If you speak swedish the document
has two part. one english and one swedish.
Just unzip Tigers.zip into your winampskins d ...
При подготовке скина использован дизайн и материалы сайта www.mielofon.ru
По умолчанию выбраны курсоры скина "Audiere" Бена Митчелла (info-is@in-file)
В папке "adds" хранится второй вариант курсоров и файл скина медиа-би ...
10:33 PM 7/6/2005
Hey Every body I have just completed another skin after working on it for the second night,I hope you all like, I made it because I am a fan of the X-Men & and there weren't any skins on Gambit (good ones anyway).Enjoy!!! ...