------------------ SMOOTH VERSION 1.3 ------------------
Hi thankyou for downloading my skin.
Its not a great deal different than the older versions except that it includes the skin for the avs window .
I created this skin myself and I think it looks ok.I did not use any utilities and simply used a graphics program to enhance the bmp's. I also included some avs settings in this zip.
I hope you like it.
home http://members.iinet.net.au/~viper2
Mp3DeeP v1.0
>Released: 17th February 2000...<
= I N F O =
tHE FIRST mp3DeeP Winamp Skin ever!.... more to come!
skin is made for my music-site: ...
[Product ID]
Skin for Winamp 2.x
[Product Name]
Thymbria De Sin
[Created by]
Radim Potesil
Czech Republic
[Contact, questions]
All parts of this skin are original. No skin was modifi ...
first of all I want to thakn you all for downloading my skin...
this skin's themes is combination between blue, gray, and black
I made this skin very carefully and
I like this skin very much
And I hope you enjoy it...
info-is@i ...
}this is read better with NOTEPAD{
>created by : Unsane from Bulgaria
>added : v 1.8 -avs,mb and now SHUFFLE & REPEAT buttons(not good but i'll think of something),{the balance just did ...
-WinampDotCom- by dlinkwit27
I made this skin as a tribute to the new winamp.com look.
Much thanks goes out to all the members of the skinlove forum and to Jellby
for his skinnersatlas. Without Them this skin would have never made it out of my hea ...